International Thank You Day

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Shows | 0 comments

Today is an extra special day because we get to celebrate International Thank You Day! This means I have an extra reason to say Merci Beaucoup (Thank you very much).

International Thank You Day is celebrated yearly on January 11. It is a day that serves as a reminder that we ought to express our gratitude to those who have made our lives better in some way.

What better month to reflect on this than the beginning of the year? We often forget to say, “Thank you,” because we take it for granted or assume that others know how we feel. This day was founded to recognise the importance of always saying thank you.

With that in mind, please allow moi, to say “Merci Beaucoup” to you again! I want to say a special thank you to you, for just being you! I might be the world’s smallest chef, but my appreciation and thanks to you come from the world’s BIGGEST heart!

Here are 3 fun ways you can also celebrate International Thank You Day!

Send thank you e-cards

Send a surprise to your friends’ inboxes! Imagine their delight to find a thank you card amidst work-related emails.

Say, “I’m grateful”

These are magical words. Saying I am grateful helps to strengthen relationships, and savour positive experiences.

Fill a jar with thank-you notes

Write little notes of gratitude for a special person and place them in a jar. They can pick a note to read to get an instant boost of positive energy for the day.

I would love to know how you celebrated your international Thank You Day!

Hello… I’m the #LePetitChef and I go to extraordinary lengths for your palate. Join moi, the chef of this epicurean immersive theatrical dining adventure, in a beautiful and fun way. Dinner Time Stories SA and Le Petit Chef SA’s show is an unmissable sensory extravaganza that is a mind-blowing, innovative, unique, and gastronomic experience. It is internationally acclaimed and full of fun, surprises, and ‘𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻-𝓣𝓸-𝓑𝓮-𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷’ 4K tabletop projections that will engage and immerse diners in a one-of-a-kind, 5-sense spectacle!

The mood, music, table patterns, and authentic imported props and decorations all change with the epochs of the story and promise to immerse you in the most eye-catching ‘𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮’ you will ever see – guaranteed!

🌟 To learn more or book, we invite you to contact us either by phone, WhatsApp, or email today.

For more information: | Call or WhatsApp during office hours only (081) 266-2661.


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We would love to see the photo from your experience @DinnerTimeStoriesSA @LePetitChefSA

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